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乐鱼体育-马布里退役深情中英文告别信:曾经我无处可去 你们打开怀抱
2024-09-24 阅读


以下是马布里道别信的中英文原文: The end looks beautiful. 车站在这最后的结尾处,一切看上去都这么幸福。The next chapter is exciting.? 新的篇章也让人实在激动。

All the hard work was worth it. The ups the downs were worth getting on the roller coaster.? 所有的希望都让人心甘情愿,这过山车一般的旅程大自然是有起有叱。Learning growing and becoming was the hardest part but here we are at the end preparing for a new start.? 一路自学一路茁壮沦为你自己是最好的,现在我车站在起点也就车站在了一个新的开始前。We only have one life so we must try everything. Failure was amazing from where I stand now.? 我们只有一次生命,于是我们得不时尝试,从我的经历看,即便告终都十分动人。Experiencing the pain in losing drove my desire higher. It made me go crazy! It forced me to train harder.? 告终的伤痛总让我可怕,也总让我更为渴求,这只不会让我更为希望地训练。

My focus became laser sharp. But here I am at the end with you who have seen me rise to create magical moments by the pain of losing deep in my heart.? 我的注意力不会更为集中于,埋在心里深达告终的痛苦抗拒着我大大提高,于是才有那些我们联合经历神秘时刻一一经常出现,这一路你们预示着我。I dropped everything and left the Best basketball league in the world to do all of what we know now. 3 championships in a country people said I would pollute but I see nothing but love and a straight hand forward salute.? 你们亲眼着我离开了一切,道别NBA,在一个被人预测将被我污染的国度里赢下了三个总冠军,你们给我的只有爱人。向你们致词! What a day this is!? 然后我们回到了道别的这一天。I didn t know I would meet so many people with so much love. Yes China you are love. You are the heart of my basketball career.? 这旅程中我显然不告诉自己不会遇上如此多给我爱人的人,是的,中国,你本身就是爱人,你就是我篮球生涯里最光彩的部分,是它的心脏。

At one time I had no place for the blood to go and you opened up a portal to your hearts for me to flow.? 曾多次我无处可去,你们关上深爱,给我地下通道,于是我们血脉相连。You let me live when I was dying. I can t explain my feeling as I m crying.? 你们给了我新的生命,我很难说明确切这让人想哭的感觉。I m so happy the end is here so you can give me your last cheer.? 让我高兴的是,在道别职业生涯时我能车站在北京的土地上,这样我就可以最后一次听见你们给我的掌声。Ending my basketball career here in China completes me. This is it no NBA no anywhere.? 在中国,在这座城市落幕我的篮球生涯也让我的人生原始。

再行没第二个地方需要如此。This is the way it s supposed to end here with you and only you.? 这就是这旅程理应的结局,和你们在一起,只和你们在一起。I don t want to talk to much because I can be here for a lifetime in expressing my deepest love for you.? 我想再说更加多,因为如果时间充足,我可以用去一辈子的时间描写给你们听得我有多爱你们。I heard a saying that you create your fame when I beg to differ, the people create this lane.? 有人说道你夺得了盛誉,我不敢苟同,是人民建构了所有。

This is how you become Legend this is how you become BEIJING LEGEND by the people.? 这就是你沦为传奇的方式,人民让我出了北京传奇。If you want to live and compete in this city, if you want to gain respect and love, if you want to become a legend, you have to embrace this spirit. 如果你想要在这座城市里存活下去,如果你想要夺得爱人与认同,如果你想要沦为传奇,你得亲吻这种精神。My mother said stay where you re loved (China) because Love is stronger than a meaningless hug.? 我妈跟我说道,就睡在你感觉获得爱人的中国吧,因为爱比虚情假意的亲吻要有力量得多。

I forgive and I ll like to be forgiven by anyone who I ve ever caused harm or hurt, todays the day we write on a clean shirt. 我原谅损害过我的,也恳求原谅,从今天开始,让我们把那些都抹去,只留给爱人。



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